Flume tank
Type of entity Equipment
Main activity Closed circuit circulation tank filled with fresh water, dimensions: 24.50m long, 7.50m wide and 3.30m high. The concrete part where experiments can be set up is 12m long, 2.6m wide and 1.5m deep. A mobile bottom belt measuring 6.20m can be synchronised with the water flow velocity, which ranges between 0.1 and 1.1m/s. Hydrodynamic testing, especially of model fishing gear. The tank is also equipped for static or mobile testing with current meters, dynamometers (single and multi-component cells), motorised holding arms and an excitation system.
Keywords Flume Tank, Hydrodynamic, Fishing Gear, Scale Models, Circulation Tank

Demonstration of and general training on fishing gear
Hydrographic measurements on models or life-sized objects in a controlled environment
Owned/operated by
Website Ifremer
Website Experimental site of Lorient
Location and contact
Send an e-mail
Adress 8 rue François Toullec
Address line 2 Station Ifremer de Lorient
Zip code/Postcode 56100
Town/city LORIENT
Demonstration of and general training on fishing gear
Concerned publics Companies
Research partners
Other researchers
Terms of access Supervised access
Movable ? yes no
Description General public (schools) through the Maison de la Mer. Hosting students from fishing schools.
Hydrographic measurements on models or life-sized objects in a controlled environment
Concerned publics Companies
Research partners
Other researchers
Terms of access Research collaboration access
Full service access
Supervised access
Movable ? yes no
Description Hydrodynamic tests to evaluate innovative concepts (sustainable fishing, marine renewable energy, defence, etc.) and assess measurement and observation systems dedicated to fishing, for the benefit of external organisations and Companies.
Certification, standardization, calibration
Category Land-based tests and test sites for engineering and ocean observation
Current and waves hydraulic channels
Test tanks
Scientific disciplines Acoustics
Marine Engineering
Biological oceanography
Strategic areas of action Marine energy and mining resources
Marine biological resources
Shipbuilding and leisure boatbuilding
Examples of work The tank is used to support fisheries research projects. It helps assess the design of or modifications to fishing gear before testing at sea, and thus saves time. The tests range from studying the shape of a sorting grate for working vessels or for an experiment, to establishing the curve of a lifting surface. Hydrodynamic studies on various issues are performed at the tank on an ad hoc basis. Collaboration with fishing industry, government bodies, training centres and industry.
URL works http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00292/40290/
Owned/operated by
Website Ifremer
A pioneer in ocean science, IFREMER's cutting-edge research is grounded in sustainable development and open science.His vision is to advance science, expertise and innovation to protect and restore the ocean, sustainably use marine resources to benefit societ, create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.
With more than 1,500 personnel spread along the French coastline in more than 20 sites, the institute explores the 3 great oceans: the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Founded in 1984, IFREMER is a French public organization and its budget approximates 240 million euros. It is operating under the joint authority of the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the French Ministry for the Ecological and Solidary Transition, and the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Website Experimental site of Lorient
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