X-ray diffraction platform (DRX)
Type of entity Platform
Main activity The X-ray diffraction platform grants access to the materials' molecular and crystalline structure. It allows for the structural study of small mono-crystals, as well as the analysis of powders, materials and thin layers.
Keywords X-ray Diffraction, Single Crystals, Powders, Materials, Thin Films, X-ray Microanalysis, Tomography, Crystalline Structure
Website Plug in labs Ouest
Related entities
Binocular Polarising Loupe Magnifier

X-Ray Diffraction Measuring
Owned/operated by
Website UBO - Université de Bretagne Occidentale
UBO Technology Platforms General Administration
Location and contact
Send an e-mail
Adress 6 avenue Victor Le Gorgeu
Address line 2 CS 93837
Zip code/Postcode 29238
Town/city BREST
X-Ray Diffraction Measuring
Description The facility provides, for university research teams, the accommodation and animal experimentation of rodents (mice and rats) according to the European Animal Testing Directive 2010/63/ EU. The facility, approved by the veterinary services, includes 2 containment sectors A1 and A2. Its mission is to provide the scientific community with equipment and know-how respecting health and ethical rules in accordance with European legislation.
Concerned publics Companies
Research partners
Other researchers
Terms of access Research collaboration access
Full service access
Supervised access
Access url http://www.univ-brest.fr/menu/universite/Fonctionnement/portail-service/
Movable ? yes no
Category Marine biology
Biological experiments and ecosystem studies
Biological resources
Scientific disciplines
Examples of work
URL works
Owned/operated by
Website UBO - Université de Bretagne Occidentale
UBO caters for 20,000 students and over 4,500 learners on continuous training every year across its 6 sites in Brittany. It contributes actively to the region's innovation and economic landscape and is awarded 240 research contracts every year. The university also organizes events in the region such as conferences and lectures etc. It has secured numerous international research partnerships and enjoys a strong reputation both in France and abroad with its labs of excellence, especially in marine sciences (Labex Mer label obtained recently).
UBO Technology Platforms General Administration
UBO Technology Platforms General Administration
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